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Leech Feeding
Most of the leeches we use are of the type that feed on mammalian blood. Not all leeches are blood feeders though. Many eat other worms, or snails, or fish eggs. Some live on hosts.
But the Hirudo we use are predators on mammals and feed on their blood.
How do we feed these creatures in the lab setting?
Click the leech jar for a short youtube video of the process.
Other Predatory Leeches
Not a leech.
Leech prey!
Not for the faint of heart.
Click the picture of the earthworm at the left for a video of N. American leech carnivores.
For a brief video clip of Helobdella eating bloodworms (larval arthropods, not really worms) click the picture at the right.
Snail hunter
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